Global optimal solution found.

Objective value: 7.200000

Infeasibilities: 0.000000

Total solver iterations: 1

Elapsed runtime seconds: 0.44

Model Class: LP

Total variables: 2

Nonlinear variables: 0

Integer variables: 0

Total constraints: 4

Nonlinear constraints: 0

Total nonzeros: 6

Nonlinear nonzeros: 0

Variable Value Reduced Cost

LO 24.00000 0.000000

LD 0.000000 1.500000

On a typical long distance call, you talk for 30 minutes. On a typical local call, you talk for 10 minutes. Your phone company offers a special low rate of $0.08 per minute for long distance calls and $0.03 per minute for local calls for customers who spen at least 240 minutes on the phone per month. Your Parents have set a limit of no more than 15 long distance calls and 30 local calls per month.

How many long distance and local calls should you make to qualifiy for the special deal and minimize your phone bill cost?