1. The distance from the thumb to the little finger on a hand is 9.34 inches. Convert this to centimeters.

2. According to the Guinness Book of Records the heaviest baby ever born weighed 29 lbs 4 oz.(29.25 lbs). What was the baby’s mass in kg? (Historical Note: The birth occurred in Effingham IL in 1939 and due to respiratory problems the baby died two hours later. The heaviest babies to survive weighed 22.5 lbs and were born in 1955 and 1982.)

3. Your cross country skis are 218 cm long. What is their length in inches?

4. Pterosaurs (pterodactyls) existed from the late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous Period (220 to 65.5 mya). How long of time period is this in milliseconds?

5. In Europe gasoline is sold by the liter. Assume that it takes 14.67 gallons of gasoline to fill the tank of a compact car. How many liters of gasoline will it take?

6. You have just received a French cookbook from the exchange student. You want to make 3 quarts of punch for a party. Will a recipe of 2.5 L be enough?

7. Some owls maintain territories of up to 3 acres. How many owls could live in a large

wooded area of 20 hectares? (1 hectare = 1 sq. dekameter = 100 m2 = 2.47 acres)

8. Ruth Palladium (RuPd) bought 10 acres of land and built a house on 2 acres. RuPd wanted

to raise sheep on the remaining 8 acres. If it takes 3/16 hectare to raise one sheep,

how many sheep can be raised on the 8 acres?

9. One 1.8 oz. of package of cinnamon and spice instant oatmeal contains 42 G of carbohydrates. If you had instant oatmeal 5 days a week, how many ounces of carbohydrate would you consume in a week? (16 oz = 1 lb = 454 G = 256 Drams = 7000 Grains)

10. Many candy bars have 9.6 g of fat per bar. If during a “'chocolate attack”' you ate one pack of candy (0.7 dekabars), how many ounces of fat would you have eaten? There are approximately 9.5 calories per gram of fat, how many calories is this?

11.If the RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg per day and there are 76 mg of vitamin C per 120 g of

orange, how many 4 oz. oranges would you have to eat each week to meet this requirement?

12. If Gasp cigarettes have 5 mg tar and 0.4 mg nicotine per cigarette and there are 20

cigarettes per pack: